
January, 22 2021

Found Dog Sugar Bear

Sugar Bear

Shih Tzu

LostMyDoggie.com is a lifesaver! We were so distraught after our family dog, a Shih Tzu, wandered off our property without wearing his collar/I.D. I posted his info and photo on their website and within an hour we were notified someone in the area found our dog. I highly recommend their service.

January, 16 2021

Found Dog Bruno


English Bulldog

We want to thank you guys for helping us, we are very grateful because thanks to this website we were able to find our Bruno by receiving an e-mail and text message alert that someone had found him and for us to contact them, so we could go get our baby back. I really highly recommend lostmydoggie.

December, 29 2020

Found Dog Princess


Mixed Breed

We frantically searched our neighborhood and town for our lost dog, Princess. It was dark, and finding a 14# mutt across an expanse on suburban subdivisions was like a needle in a haystack. We needed the next phase of the plan. Create posters. Blast it on social media. Hey, what’s this lostmydoggie.com website? Free posting. Cool. Charges for various services...ok,does it work? “Honey, do you think it’s worth it to have them make calls to neighbors?” “We want to be trying something....” A half hour later, our phone rang with the professionally recorded message going out to our neighbors. 10 minutes later, it was one of our neighbors who had found our dog. They had been trying to find us as we were trying to find Princess. The lostmydoggie.com service and technology connected us. Princess was home RELIEF!! Thank you for your amazing website.

December, 26 2020

Found Dog Marley


Shetland Sheepdog

This is an amazing website!! So many people got the phone call that Marley was missing! I’m forever grateful that he was reunited with us! This website really helped!!

December, 25 2020

Found Dog Max



Great website I was a little worried at first when signing up for this thinking that it would be a scam and that I’d never find my dog but this service really works. I lost him around 1 am on Christmas Day and thanks to this service sending out calls with Max’s description to the neighbors in my development we were able to find Max the next day around 5 pm. He was safely staying in a neighborhood with a loving family about 4 miles away from our home and we were so glad to be reunited with our pup. Truly thank you

December, 23 2020

Found Dog Ruger


Australian Shepherd

I do have to say how impressed i am with this service. It was only a matter of a couple hours that my boy was safely home. Exactly 2 hours after i posted he was gone had o been contacted by the person that had him. 1 hour later he was home. Of course it would not work without good honest people using and monitoring the site but it's a shame the same isn't so when it comes to a missing person. I do want to say thanks to all involved. Ruger was a pup when i got him and it was a month later when i got diagnosed with cancer he was the saving grace in my life that helped me get through the fight. So he is everything to me. Don't know what i would have done if it turned out differently and we hadn't got him back. So again thank you

December, 12 2020

Found Dog Lulu


Yorkshire Terrier

This was one of the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had it was very heartbroken to feel like part of my life was gone I could show but thanks to this Website my life got back I was able to get Lulu and I was surprise how affective and fast was that dog service finder thanks so much I really appreciate the creators of the website and they recommend this website 100%

December, 1 2020

Found Dog Poppy


Yorkshire Terrier

Read this : To my community you won’t believe this I must share this miracle story : I came back from new Smyrna Beach boating and having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend . Our custom interior/ exterior dog pen and doggie house was securely containing our dogs at home . To our bewilderment on our return one of our Yorkies was missing there was no sign of forced entry nor sign of predator. We spent hours writing up posters ,posting on next-door and putting signs out ...And Today in despair I found an app called lostdoggie.com .For a small fee they put out an alert to the veterinarians in the area, shelters and 500 voice text alerts to the neighbors. Now my little voice kept saying she was most probably owl meat after 2 days in the wild ...I didn’t give it much significance instead I was dealing with the whats so that I probably wasn’t going to see her again.I was managing much better from the time before Landmark education when I lost a dog . I couldn’t get out of bed nor eat for days . After much prayer and reaching out to friends and having coaching calls today. I get the Miracle Call hours after the post that they found my tiny 4 pound dog 2 miles away . Broken leg and all matted up they took her to the veterinarian and the groomers!!! Only A Divine intervention!! You may have other words that you call your believer.... I want to give him praise and victory over this situation!! Thank you Jesus And I’m here to say landmark education works I was able to stay calm and neutral !!!

November, 26 2020

Found Dog Tyler



Hi, thank goodness we found him thanks to someone seeing him. This app definitely helped!

November, 21 2020

Found Dog Sweetie


German Shepherd

Thank you for me find my dog. At first I did not know that I could put put out an Amber alert on a lost dog. Soon as I signed up for your services the Lexington County Shelter received my flyer. They text me a picture we have your dog she was found in 2 days soon as my lost dog flyers went out. Thanks you guys are amazing

November, 6 2020

Found Dog Lucky



If it wasn’t for this site I wouldn’t have been reunited with my pet. Luckily the nicest man contacted me through this site. He groomed, fed and houses my dog for 4 days and we were finally reunited. I am so thankful to both this site and this man

November, 6 2020

Found Dog Lucky


Pit Bull

I was worried sick, We couldn't find our baby anywhere! i came across this website, filled it out and within minutes i got a call from a vet hospital near my house that they had him there safely. I don't think i would've ever found him, if it wasn't for Lostmydoggy. Thank you for bringing my baby back .

October, 30 2020

Found Cat Phoenix


Domestic Short Hair

Thank you for creating such an easy to use tool that spread the message of our lost kitty so quickly! Neighbors all heard the amber alert and the flyer was so helpful. Forever thankful!!

October, 30 2020

Found Dog Anomaly


Italian Greyhound

The phone calls to neighbors resulted in three sightings that led to her finding her way home. This is a great way to reach people that aren’t on social media. So relieved!!!!

October, 25 2020

Found Dog Tucker


Pit Bull

Thank the lord!! Through this app I was able to get tucker back quicker... love this app..