
January, 12 2022

Found Dog Taquito



This site is amazing and I'm thankful to all that is on it and helps pet owners get reunited with their pets

December, 18 2021

Found Dog Bruno


Pit Bull

Great service!!! Thank you. I have no words to describe how helpful this is. Thank you

December, 17 2021

Found Dog Blitz



The next day after posting this on here the nice lady who found blitz walking on the sidewalk got ahold of my husband to let us know. He was OK and was taken good Care of. This is an awesome service and everyone should use it, without it I don't think we would have found him. Thank you to lost my doggie ?

December, 15 2021

Found Dog Lucy


German Shepherd

Website greatly helps your chance of finding your beloved pet. Within minutes calls we’re being made, shelters updated, and vets. I was very impressed with your service. I posted in the morning, and within 24 hrs I found my beloved German shepherd. Thanks again Team.

December, 3 2021

Found Dog Bandit


Bichon Frise

This is the most incredible website!!! We lost our little dog on a farm in a town an hour and a half away from where we live. We searched and searched but finally gave up, assuming he had been killed by an animal. I got on this website as a last-ditch effort, not thinking our dog would really be found, and posted a picture of our dog and a lost dog ad, and a veterinarian in Cookeville, Tennessee printed out the ad and put it on the front door of their office. The person who found our dog had been unable to locate his owner, until she saw the picture of him at the vet's office and called us! It was truly a miracle!! We are so grateful to have him back! Thank you to LostMyDoggie.com and to the veterinarian's office in Cookeville, Tennessee!! Our family is forever grateful!

November, 27 2021

Found Dog Dolly



I found Dolly within two days of using this alert service and I am so greatful to this web page, also to the neighbors from 5 miles away who helped out by reaching out to say they seen her. Thank you all so very much.

November, 18 2021

Found Dog Emma



Lost My Doggie was very helpful in getting the information out about Emma. She's now at home safe and sound.

November, 17 2021

Found Dog Zen


Shiba Inu

This is the BEST service I've ever seen. Found my dog the same day. Thanks!!

October, 19 2021

Found Dog BELLA



I cannot begin to express my gratitude. We were devastated when our Bella came up missing and really didn't know what to do. LostMyDoggie was a godsend! It is a really great tool to have on your side in the event of a lost pet. Its a bit expensive but you cannot put a price on a pet. She is more than just a pet she is a part of our family and we are very grateful that she is home. Thank you so much for everything. The Harris family

October, 11 2021

Found Dog Beauregard



This website is outstanding. They followed through on all of their promises. We could not have found our Beauregard without their assistance.

October, 6 2021

Found Dog Polly


English Cocker Spaniel

Our recently adopted dog had a very eventful first day in our home. We had just gotten her home when she bolted out the front door. We frantically tried to find her, posted on a lot of lost dog sites and social media. But a local police department suggested we post on LostMyDoggie and I am *SO* happy I did. Within 3 hours, I received an email stating someone saw a dog matching Polly’s description on a site that LostMyDoggie contacted. I called the contact person and yes, it was Polly! We are happily reunited. I can’t thank LostMyDoggie enough. They were the vessel through which we have our dog back. Highly recommended! 5 stars!!

September, 30 2021

Found Dog Sawyer


Mixed Breed

We found our beloved Sawyer on 9/29/21. He was missing for 6 days. I am convinced the services, tips and encouragement from LMD was a huge reason why we were able to find him. In a panic, I alerted LMD that the faxes and emails were not showing up sent on their website. Within 5 mins I got two calls from them and 3 emails proving they were sent. Sawyer was found because one of the fliers I put at a local store. Our family is overjoyed to have our boy back. Thank you LMD for providing a Valuable, inexpensive service to speed up a process that otherwise would have been impossible for just a few people to handle. Thank you for helping to keep our HOPE alive as we searched. I hope I never have to use this service again, but if I do, I will NOT hesitate!! Sincerely, Sawyers Happy Family

September, 25 2021

Found Dog Diesel


Mixed Breed

This website and service is incredible as I received a phone call within 90 minutes of him coming up missing!!

September, 21 2021

Found Dog Chunky



I’m very happy to say that because of lostmydoggie.com and some very good hearted people I was reunited with my doggie Chunky!! Within a couple minutes they had a poster created for me and within hours they had notified all animal hospitals and animal rescue places all around my location! Their website was very user friendly and I did not have any issues. It made an awful situation much easier..

September, 19 2021

Found Dog Rusty



Our dog Rusty was missing for three nights. I was beginning to feel discouraged. After finding lostmydoggie.com and sending out the phone alerts, I had Rusty in my arms within hours!! Thank you!!