
April, 20 2011



I am sooooo happy to have Jazmine back. I was so impressed by lostmydoggie.com. I really feel they played a big part in getting her back. Best of luck to anyone who may have lost a pet.

March, 7 2011


German Shepherd

The LOVING CREW of LostMyDoggie.com SAVED MY DOG's LIFE !!! My dog went missing (under the care of a friend) for eight days. To make matters worse, my dog will NOT come to anyone except me. She is a WHITE German Shepherd who was lost in a location covered with snow everywhere; making it close to impossible to see her from a distance. The ENTIRE crew of LostMyDoggie.Com FEVERISHLY helped me for that entire time period, treating my dog's rescue as if she were their own. .. My dog was lost (and travelled at least 40 miles) in a county unfamiliar to me. It was devastating. But, LostMyDoggie.com's alert system resulted in around 100 legitimate sightings of my dog, allowing me to focus on locations to search, hang posters, and pass out flyers. On the day that my dog was found, it was a direct result of the efforts of LostMyDoggie.com. There was a sighting in an area where my dog had not previously travelled. I immediately hung a poster and someone saw both the poster and my dog, resulting in a very emotional reunion. When I notified the crew of LostMyDoggie.com of the reunion, they actually CRIED with joy. I cannot begin to express the concern, hard work, love, honesty, and sincerety of this crew. I am forever grateful to them. If anyone has any questions regarding my testimony, please feel free to call me at: (586) 344-9542. Warmest Regards, Aida

March, 1 2011



A neighbor got a call from lostmydoggie.com less than an hour after I set up the service. We had Stella back soon there after. I can't believe how wonderful this service was for us!!!

February, 1 2011


Labrador Retriever

Thank you so much for everything you did to help me find Holly, she is at the vets now and other than being extremely weak from being lost for 2 weeks, she is going to be fine, the vets says she may he a broken pelvis bone but with her being so young she should be fine. Again, thank you so very much, I will highly recommend you to any one that I know that may need your service. Thank you, Linda aka/Holly's Mommy

January, 23 2011


Great Pyrenees

I cant say how much i love this service. My dog Daisy was lost during a snow storm for four days and we looked and searched all over the two surrounding counties. We walked and drove cars and atv's yelled for her and had no luck. We live in the country and there are miles of wooded area which is fenced and you really have no way of searching. We went house to house and still had no luck. I signed up for your service and within an hour of the automatic calls going out we had four calls and one was for our Daisy. She a little smelly and scared but the way she ran to us let us know that she missed us as much as we missed her. I know we all will sleep better tonight with my baby home. My wife and my kids and myself cant tell you how much it means to us to have Daisy home. I had reservations about your service when i first signed up but your service delivered. I owe you an apoligy for doubting you and i owe you a debt of grattitude. I really want to thank you. I will tell everyone about your service and "sing praises to your name". I may not really sing but I cant thank you enough. I will tell everyone of the job you did every single chance I get. Thank you Thank you thank you. If you ever need a reference you can count on me. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart an my families hearts. Bobby Prewitt

January, 17 2011


Black and Tan Coonhound

I am so happy to say that Eddie was found within an hour and 1/2 of putting the ad up for him. I recieved a phone call from a lady who had Eddie, she had gotten the call from LostMyDoggie.com only a few minutes before. Lucky for Eddie she had found him the day he was lost only an hour or so after he ran away. Eddie's tags had the shelter # where I rescued him which was closed on Sunday the day he was lost and the follwing day which was Martin Luther King Day. I would still be waiting to here from the shelter for another day if I hadnt hired this service. Also Eddie had escaped from the lady who found him, she then got the call and called me. I was on my way over there atleast knowing the area he was in and that he was alive when she called to say he came back to her house several hours after he ran away. Thank you for reuniting the family pet!

December, 27 2010



Words cannot express my appreciation to LostMyDoggie.com. A couple of hours after my neighbors were alerted via phone, we received notification that my beloved chihuahua had been found SAFE and SOUND!!! My dog was without tags, so I knew our chances of locating him might diminish with each passing day. THANK YOU LOSTMYDOGGIE.COM!!!!!!! I am forever grateful!!!!

December, 21 2010


Jack Russell Terrier

I am blown away! If you have lost your pet, you need to use lostmydoggie.com immediately. Snoopy had been missing for 21 days - some of them the coldest of the year - in the teens. I posted fliers - and again after the city marshal took them down, walked and yelled looking for him, left his bed on the porch, did newspaper ads, called vets, animal shelters...you name it, I did it searching for Snoopy - always feeling like I had not done enough. We had 2 calls of sightings in the neighborhood recently and got reinvigorated on our search. I decided against lostmydoggie.com weeks ago but I came across the web site again today and in less than 3 hours after I submitted my order, I got a call from the folks who had spotted a dog fitting his description in their woods that they had seen for at least several days. They had received one of the phone calls about our missing dog. It turned out to be our Snoopy! Snoopy had been living under a tree in the woods, surviving somehow. He lost down to 14 lbs. from 21 - very skinny, he was dehydrated and hungry but otherwise seems to be healthy. Today we received the best Christmas present that we possibly could this year. Snoopy is warm, cozy and happy - inside his home sweet home. lostmydoggie.com is truly amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you lostmydoggie.com!

December, 8 2010


Yorkshire Terrier

great service; after spending 24 hrs trying to locate my dog through signs, posters, canvasing the neighborhood, craigslist, etc etc, I finally called lostmydoggie.com and found my dog through their service within an hour; well worth the money!!

November, 21 2010


Yorkshire Terrier

Phenominal! Yes, I lost my dog twice! and both time with lostmydoggie he is back home safe! It may not seem economically friendly but you will get your friend back :) thanks guys, now no more losin my dog!

October, 23 2010


English Springer Spaniel

This is an amazing service! Calls went out to our neighbors within an hour. As we drove around to talk to neighbors, most of them said that they had already received a call about "Forrest" and were going to keep an eye out for him. When we went to neighborhood businesses, they looked at our flyer and said that they had gotten a call on their answering machine about our dog. Unfortunately, we found him today beside a pond on our farm. Our daughter, who is a veterinarian said that he had evidently gotten into some rat poisoning somewhere. We will dearly miss him but know that if he were out there lost, this company would have certainly made a difference in his search. Thank you to "lost my doggie".

September, 28 2010



My neighbor recently lost her puppy Buddy over a holiday weekend. She is disabled and on limited means, and I knew how devistated she was at the loss. Being an animal lover myself, I immediately stepped in and made posters and began knocking on doors. When those didn't turn up any leads, I was off to the local shelters to widen the search. We were once again let down with no leads. One day while I was checking out local listings for lost/found pets, I came across LostMyDoggie.com. The service provided showed so much promise and the cost was reasonable for what was offered. So I signed up for the mailings and the "amber alert" package. Everything worked like clock work wtih them and their outstanding service (DONNA) was beyond my expectations. With no leads after almost 3 weeks, I received a call. Our only call too. It was a man that had Buddy! He had somehow managed to travel over 8 miles away to another city. But somehow the man had seen one of the fliers from LostMyDoggie.com and called me. THANK YOU LOSTMYDOGGIE.com!!!! Buddy is now home with his rightful owner. And just as further precaution I had him microchipped and bought him a new collar with tags. This was the most stressful 3 weeks ever. All I can say is DON'T GIVE UP your search. No matter what. You never know when that phone is going to ring. And thanks to the support and service of LOSTMYDOGGIE.com to help Buddy come home safely. We are forever grateful. Tracy Clemente Milpitas, CA

September, 19 2010



Oh my God, just after ten minutes of posting the information in this website, I received a call from a neighbor telling me that she knew a neighbor that had my dogs. The best 110 dollars that I have paid. I would like to thank the guy (didn't even get his name) and her sweet daughter. My dogs got lost around 10 am and this gentleman picked them up around noon and kept them in their house until 6:30pm when I finally picked them up. I would like to thank also the lady that called who told me who had them. God bless!

September, 7 2010


Domestic Short Hair

Hello, Thank you for a wonderful and efficient service. I have not seen my cat, Zena since August 2, 2010,and I have searched my neighborhood, SPCA, local Shelter, posted many ads on the internet, and distributed flyers. I was frantic. It has been over one month since I last saw her. I posted my ad to your service, this afternoon. At 9:33 pm this evening, I received a telephone call from one of my neighbors two blocks from my house. They informed me that they have been feeding Zena for two weeks. I drove to their house and confirmed that the cat they had was my Zena, and Zena is now safe at home with me again. Thank you so much for providing this service to pet owners. I can't express my gratitude enough. It has been less than 24 hours since I placed my ad with your service, and I have my cat at home with me.

August, 27 2010


English Bulldog

This website really worked for us! We lost our english bulldog when he got out. We spent all night driving around looking and posting fliers on mailboxes with no luck, and continued looking the following day. We came across the lostmydoggie website and signed up. We received 2 phonecalls within a couple hours (must have been right after they sent the calls out) the second phonecall got us our dog back. He had wandered farther away than we had put out fliers or looked. This turned out to be a great service and we got our dog back in a short amount of time!!!