Why are so many dogs missing?

Total Members:  8
Group Started:  10/09/2012
Type of Group:  Public
Group Category:  Dog Related
About This Group:

Many people in our group have searched sites & Craigslist. We are noticing a trend of pure bred dogs & pit bulls (gang affiliated dogs) being missing/STOLEN. Then, later we find them posted for a re-homing fees. Does anyone in the law enforcement or Humane Society or general public have any suggestions to stop this dog stealing ring? Dogs have been stolen right out of the owners fenced back yard. 1 person saw a man pull over to her fenced yard, grab her dog and take off. This is happening in the Corpus Christi area. Is anyone else noticing this trend? And what can we do about it? We keep a watchful eye on our dogs when they are outside, but as you know, it only takes a second, and they are gone. My dog was stolen in July and I am still looking for her. We are all heartbroken and this needs to be stopped. The police can't/won't do anything about it, and the Humane Society is over taxed as it is. We have set up a Neighborhood Watch for dogs, but it is not always reliable.

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Vans PAFURKIN 0 909 03/14/13 02:55 AM
Why are so many dogs missing??..... SCRUTSMOM 1 1352 08/01/14 06:46 AM
missing pure breed dog NIKKIJ 0 1411 12/12/12 07:15 PM