
Name: Emily H
Joined: 01/18/2016
Pets: 6
About Me:


Profile Information:

Proud Pet Parent Of:
Cats: Ninja, Phoenix, Cinder. Dogs: Sadie and Milly. Fish: Bubbles (the fish with 9 lives)

How We Met:
I got my perfect Ninja as a Christmas gift. Phoenix and Cinder where two fosters I had to keep. Sadie was adopted from a shelter and Millie is an adopted foster dog. Bubbles the wonder fish was won at a school fair, almost dead. Now he's 4 times that size and has survived accidents from his tank cracking, and even a cat who was drinking water out of the fish bowl and freaked out when the fish touched thier tounge and flipped him out of the tank.

Pet Likes:
My cats are cuddle bugs and basically guard the house. Ninja growls at the mail man. The dogs are really good with all animals, accept squirrels however they never succeed in catching them.

Pet Dislikes:
My cats are perfection and I don't really have any problems with them. Sadie takes medicine that makes her really want food, and you can't leave food ANYWHERE or shell eat it, no tables, no countertops, not the stove, nowhere. Millie is ok but she will run off and try to get squirrels, never succeeding. She'll pull your arm off on walls

Favorite Spots:
My cats like the bed or the front window sill. My dogs, pretty much anywhere.

Favorite Toy:
All toys of mine are destroyed, by both cats and dogs. My dogs prefer tug of war ropes.

Silliest Habit:
My cat Ninja finds the most ridiculous places to sleep. Sinks, decoration bowls, drawers, a sled, a magazine holder. The roof. Laundry Baskets. not the laundry machine (but I always check). Phoenix will let anyone pet him anywhere and is one of those rare cats that likes funny rubs and won't bite your arm off. Cinder will never let you pet her, she'll intercept you and gently bite your hand and countinue to lick it. Millie will always find the room your in of shes outside. She'll watch you.

Sweetest Moment:
Cats is every moment, though the best was when my cat Ninja came and licked some scratches I got in my hand.

My Pet Is Unique Because:
The cats are living God's to me lol. The dogs are kinda unique cus guy don't really act like dogs, they think there human.

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