
Name: Ruby C
Joined: 08/08/2015
Pets: 2
Location: Santa Ana, CA
United States
About Me:

My name is Ruby Canal. I am Hispanic and i was born and raised in Los Angeles California. Both of my Parents are from Mexico. My dad still live's but my mom passed away several years back in 1999 from Cancer. She was a very strong willed and loving woman and i miss her dearly. But i am glad she is finally at peace and is in a better place. If anyone deserved to be up with the Angels she did. She had a heart of gold and she taught me to be responsible and be independent. and for that i thank her. I am a 39 year old woman, and i live with my partner Isabel in the city of SantaAna Ca. We both love having pets. We are pet people and we love cats, and dogs. Isabel and I met online, we shared alot of common interests including both of our moms passing away from cancer. We had a strong connection, eventually it led to meeting each other in person and then moving in together. we have been together about 3 years now , and we share our home with our pets, who we love very much. :)


Profile Information:

Proud Pet Parent Of:
Lucky and Cookie

How We Met:
I rescued Lucky from the orange county shelter, she is almost 11 months old now and is a chihuahua mix "Pom/Chi". We had her in our lives for 8 months, and treated her like our daughter. My partner and i miss her dearly. Cookie we recently purchased from someone on craigslist.She is also a chihuahua mix "bas/chi" and she is 3 1/2 months.Cookie has helped us cope with Lucky's disappearance but we still have faith that one day we will get Lucky back we miss her so much.

Pet Likes:
wet kisses, playfulness, playing fetch, energy, loyalty, and best of all the love that you share for each other.

Pet Dislikes:
i love everything about them except when they get into things they aren't suppose to, like tearing up newspapers and your shoes.

Favorite Spots:
Their Bed and playroom.

Favorite Toy:
Lucky's fave toy was playing with tennis balls, she loves playing fetch and she loves anything that squeaks. Cookie favorite toy is her hedgehog squeaky toy.

Silliest Habit:
Lucky and Cookie have Compulsive licking, and love's chasing her tail.

Sweetest Moment:
The day we found Lucky was our sweetest moment and the day she graduated puppy school. finding cookie made us very happy as well shes a sweet and playful dog.

My Pet Is Unique Because:
Our lost Dog Lucky was very unique because she was one of the smartest dogs i ever had. When she wanted something or just wanted your attention she would tap your arm like if she was a little person till she got your attention, she was well trained, we started training her since she was a pup she will be 11 months soon on august 24, 2015, she was potty trained and new alot of commands like sit, stay, rollover, and down. Cookie our pup is still in training :)

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