
Name: Jovine R
Joined: 05/20/2015
Pets: 3
About Me:

Love all animals mostly dogs because I'm allergic to cat hair but do like cats. I wish I can help all animals. When I see a commercial on animal abuse I can't even see it I would have to change the channel.


Profile Information:

Proud Pet Parent Of:
Skippy Rivera

How We Met:
Skippy use to be my nephews dog that he had brought for his son for Christmas. He couldn't keep the dog because he use to bark a lot and the neighbor complained but yet she had several cats in her house so I end up keeping Skippy & I'm glad I did.

Pet Likes:
Skippy loves to be cuddled and was very playful with my other two Shih Tzu.

Pet Dislikes:
He really didn't have any dislikes. He was a very good and happy dog.

Favorite Spots:
Loves to sleep on the bed on top of my head or the back of my legs.

Favorite Toy:
Not too much with toys more playful with my other dogs.

Silliest Habit:
The funniest things he use to do was when given a treat he would run away to another room then come back to get some more.

Sweetest Moment:
When we all use to cuddle on our bed.

My Pet Is Unique Because:
He's very smart, had a strong sense if someone was at the door or walking by. Very alert!!!

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