Lost & Found Cats

About This Group:

FREE lost and found cat postings. If you've lost your cat feel free to post here with a picture and description. Our community can hopefully help in your lost cat search. Also if you've found a cat you can post here too so lost cat owners can review this group for possible sightings of their lost cat.

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04:27 PM EST

On August 30, 2010 my short hair black cat Midnite vanished inside my home. My daughter came over with her baby, and when she left I closed and locked the door behind and Midnite was still inside, and I never opened the door after that. That evening when I called her for dinner she never came. My husband and I looked everywhere in the house, even behind and under kitchen appliances, sofas, couch, under bed and spring box. Every single space in the house was searched and nothing. We even went outside and looked everywhere, calling out her name and even posting a reward if found. I am deeply hurt because we had her for 15 years and she was so sweet. I have no idea how she just vanished inside when I was home all day. There are vents, but they are too small and close to the ceiling. My other cat, Snikerz, was searching for her as well and didn't seem himself for a while. I have looked up on the internet to see if this happened to anyone else and I found one lady whose inside cat disappeared, and she lived on the 8th floor. I don't think she ever found her cat again. Has anyone ever lost their pet right inside the home, knowing that he/she never went out but mysteriously vanished? I am still heartbroken.


07:04 AM EST

Sad to loose someone close. Any news yet?

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