Happy Stories

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07:20 PM EST

Found Dog Tucker

Pet Owner: Robin G. (NH)   Pet Name: Tucker
Date Lost: 10/08/2009     Date Found: 10/09/09

I want to thank "Lostmydoggie.com" for helping me find my dog. My sister
was the one that came across the website so I thank her too! I myself was
out in the wilderness, looking for Tucker, so I had no way of getting my
information out there except with pictures and posted signs. I received
many phone calls with people asking about my dog being lost. Many were
intrigued by the phone call because they had never received a call like
that before. The animal control officer contacted me because of the influx
of phone calls coming in to her about the dog. This has probably got to be
the best way to get the message out to people that your dog is lost!
Lessons learned from this, I didn't have my dog microchipped or have any
identification on him. My dog got lost in the woods after chasing a
chipmunk. Don't ever tell yourself "It could never happen to me" because it
can! Dogs depend on us for food, shelter, and protection, and when they are
lost- they lose that from us. Robin 

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