Dogs 101

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A place to share your doggie stories and tips with other dog lovers. This is an open forum to discuss anything from helpful tips to cute dog stories.

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04:02 PM EST

How do you keep your dogs from getting bored when the weather outside 
prohibits them from going out?


08:55 PM EST

I use toys with food or treats in them, like "Buster Cubes".  My dogs love
to push them around all over the place.  (I had a duck, and he even liked
to play with it!)  Another REAL hit around my house is the chew bone, the
kind that lasts a really long time.  My dogs will do just about anything
for a good chew bone.


07:40 AM EST

Hi. I don't think dogs ever get bored. But a regular exercise would be great for their health.

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