Pet Name: |
Unknown(ID# 418349) |
Pet Type: |
Dog |
Pet Breed: |
Unknown |
Pet Color: |
Black |
Gender: |
Unknown |
Date Found: |
2023-10-31 |
Pet Description:I saw a large black dog on the corner of California Street and Orange Tree Lane. Close to the freeway “exit” (not entrance). He was large medium weight, black in color, short fine hair and no collar. He was sitting and howling as if to find his owners. It made me so sad. I gave him food and water but due to his size I am unable to take him home for the time being. I called the Redlands police and will check again tomorrow morning to see if he’s there before calling the Redlands animal shelter. P |
Area Found:
92374 (REDLANDS, CA) |
Cross Streets:
California Street and Orange Tree Lane |
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