Lost Dog ELGIN, SC

  Lost Dog Alert


Pit Bull

Pet Details

Pet Name:

(ID# 431286)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
Pit Bull
Pet Color:
Black, White
Date Lost:
Pet Description:

Reginald has never met a stranger because hebelieves everyone is his friend (both people & animals). He is super friendly, but a little unsure of new people, but is not aggressive at all. He is completely black, but has a white marking (that resembles a palmetto tree) on his front chest. He also has some white on his stomach & has a vertical white stripe on his nose. He is about a year and half old. He knows his name & loves to ride in my truck. He had a collar on and a green tag with my # on it

Area Last Seen:

29045 (ELGIN, SC)

Cross Streets:

NorthEast Miles/ Bear Creek/ Grover Wilson/ Smyrna Church

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