Lost Dog BREA, CA

  Lost Dog Alert


Mixed Breed

Pet Details

Pet Name:

(ID# 436284)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
Mixed Breed
Pet Color:
Date Lost:
Pet Description:

MISSING: Beasley is 17 years old and mostly deaf. He is a small dog, about 20lbs, with a light to mid-grey scruffy coat. He is only wearing a grey rubber flea collar. He's friendly and will respond well to being offered food, especially chicken! He's been missing since 830am on Monday 17th June from the North Hills neighbourhood in Brea. Please get in touch if you've seen him at all! He has black freckles on his belly, black claws and lots of warts/bumps under his fur. He has one big black bump

Area Last Seen:

92821 (BREA, CA)

Cross Streets:

Beechwood and Stonebridge

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