Lost Dog MESA, AZ

  Lost Dog Alert


Yorkshire Terrier

Pet Details

Pet Name:

(ID# 309473)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
Yorkshire Terrier
Pet Color:
Black, Brown
Date Lost:
Pet Description:

We live in a gated community. My daughter had the dogs out to use the bathroom. DUKE wandered a little farther then he should have...yet my daughter could still see him. She picked up her other dog to put her in the house still with Duke in sight. A lady in a white SUV was at the back gate and yelled to her asking if she lost a dog...my. daughter didn't answer cuz she could still see her dog and she was going to get it. My daughter literally turned her head for 10 seconds to put her other dog

Area Last Seen:

85208 (MESA, AZ)

Cross Streets:

90th weir (Pueblo Mesa park)

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