Lost Dog ALMA, AR

  Lost Dog Alert

Name: Unknown

Mixed Breed

Pet Details

Pet Name:

(ID# 276799)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
Mixed Breed
Pet Color:
Date Lost:
Pet Description:

There are two large mixed breed dogs that have lived in our neiborhood for years. One if them looks more like a pitbull and has lost use of one of his back legs. The other looks more lika a black lab with a white spot on his chest. There are at least 4 other households that have fed these dogs, one family had them neutered. I have not seen them for 2 weeks and am afraid that they have been killed. Would love to have them back; would keep them as ours if we could find them again. Do not have phot

Area Last Seen:

72921 (ALMA, AR)

Cross Streets:

Orchard brook lane

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