Lost Dog WYNNE, AR

  Lost Dog Alert


Mixed Breed

Pet Details

Pet Name:

(ID# 219078)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
Mixed Breed
Pet Color:
White, Tan-Cream
Date Lost:
Pet Description:

He's a large mix breed (German shepherd and Husky primarily). He has been seen by neighbors, but has become skittish of people since he was lost. He's on the run with his sister (smaller and black and tan). His ears are pretty floppy, and has a goofy stride. His coat resembles a shepherd coat, but his belly and paws are white. He is a short-medium haired dog. His face is wrinkled. He typically weighs around 100lbs when healthy and is over waist high when on all fours.

Area Last Seen:

72396 (WYNNE, AR)

Cross Streets:

Hwy 64

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