Reunited on 09/23/13
On Aug 8th, 2013 my cat had been frightened while on a walk by some barking dogs. She managed to escape her harness & took off running back toward the house. But she never showed up, so my daughter & I went looking for her. The next couple of days were spent posting flyers around the neighborhood and online at any pet posting place I could find. Surprisingly, there was quite a few places online to post missing pets & most of them offered to generated a poster for the lost pet if you wanted. But none of them came even close to all the free services that are offered by "LOSTMYDOGGIE.COM". I was grateful of the things that they offered there for lost pets, like the faxes of my lost pet to the nearest Vets & Clinics. This kind of thing freed up more of my time so I could be out looking for my pet near where she was lost. Although there services wasn't what brought my pet home on Sept 23, 2013, I am still very happy & grateful for all of the services they offered & provided me with. It was a comfort to know there were additional options available to utilize if I needed them. Thank you, - Heather


Domestic Short Hair

Pet Details

Pet Name:

(ID# 38487)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
Domestic Short Hair, Other
Pet Color:
Date Lost:
Area Last Seen:

85016 (PHOENIX, AZ)


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