Lost Dog YELM, WA

  Lost Dog Alert


Miniature Pinscher

Pet Details

Pet Name:

(ID# 199306)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
Miniature Pinscher
Pet Color:
Date Lost:
Pet Description:

Turbo was ill the night he left the house...I have doggy doors and was unable to keep him in. He had a history of pancreatitis bouts ( I fed him a raw food diet and supplements) . It was a tricky situation... that some proteins he could assimilate and some days not. ..I was always amazed that he would position himself to heal by disappearing to 'sleep off' the discomfort and recover up to 5 days later to his animated self. He would self fast but was always able to take some water .. This episo

Area Last Seen:

98597 (YELM, WA)

Cross Streets:

Martinsen rd & and Vail rd

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